Merry Christmas!

Tracy will bring you up to date on the family happenings with the annual McCarty Christmas Letter - but I am going to take this opportunity to thank you for standing with us in prayer, supporting both our family and our work financially, and providing much needed encouragement from time to time as we continue to serve with Strategic Impact. There will be a brief ministry update at the end (AND an embarrassing photo of Dustin!) As always, I extend an invitation to you all: If you would like to grab a cup of coffee and hear more details and stories of what God has been doing - CONTACT ME! (my cell: 940-595-1562) I’d love to hear what’s been going on in your life and share more about the work in Africa. It has truly been amazing! And now - here's Tracy...
Merry Christmas!!!

Dear Family and Friends,
The McCarty’s hope that as 2021 draws to a close and we all reflect on what the past year has held that each of us can see the goodness of the Lord’s grace even while in the midst of uncertain times in our world. After experiencing several months of cancelled events and closures last year, our family has found joy in returning to a near normal schedule.
Last January all 9 of us fell ill with Covid, with Vival unfortunately ending up in the hospital on oxygen. Thankfully, she was able to return home after 5 days of rest as her body healed. Her recovery took several weeks, but her health has been great ever since. It was strange to see who was affected by lack of sense of smell and who wasn’t, who was sick for a week or more and who was sick for only a few days, etc. We pray that each of you have remained healthy throughout the pandemic. For those who have lost loved ones, our hearts break for you. We have dear friends who did not survive complications caused by the virus, and we continue to pray for their families to feel God’s loving embrace as they experience their first holiday season without their loved one.
Shortly after we were sick, the great Texas freeze arrived in early February. Having a wood burning fireplace with plenty of firewood along with a gas generator proved to be a God-send. Dakota, Cody, Gideon, and Cody’s mom and brother, Janice and Tobin, all piled in the house with us as we waited for electricity to come back on in their homes. We are pretty sure that having a fire station straight down our street helped prevent our home from having prolonged outages. I was amazed at the resourcefulness of our family and neighbors during those brutal weather days.
Last spring we traveled to Medicine Park, OK, in order to see our DCA choir director, Jarod Grice, perform original music at a local festival, and then spent a couple of days exploring the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, including the Holy City of the Wichitas. In July, twelve of our family members vacationed in Corpus Christi in a caravan of 3 vehicles. Our layover in San Antonio included tours of the Alamo and shopping in the Historic Market Square. In Corpus, my dad swam for the first time in the ocean, we drove the 60 mile 4-wheel drive trip down the Padre National Seashore, visited the Texas State Aquarium and USS Lexington, and cheered on the Hooks at a minor-league baseball game. The McCarty clan is notorious for making odd, out of the way, stops while traveling….this year included the Praline Eating Squirrel statue at Aunt Aggie De’s Pralines in Sinton, TX (who were not officially open but opened their doors, let us sample their pralines, and sold us some to enjoy on our travels), the Longhorn Museum in Pleasanton, TX, and viewing the preserved full mount of Geronimo, a prized Longhorn, in his glass case on the Live Oak County Courthouse lawn in George West, TX. Touring the King Ranch and learning about its history was another highlight of this trip.
Being unable to visit his fellow African SI Staff or be in-person for events on the African continent continues to be hard for Dustin as he longs to work alongside his dear friends again. Despite the restrictions on travel, the mission of Strategic Impact has flourished. The efforts of the past 17 years have come to fruition and revealed that the model designed through the direction of our Lord and Savior does indeed reach people with the gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him. The Lord has blessed the work of the SI team, whether in person or through technology from halfway around the world, resulting in souls being won for Christ’s kingdom, churches being planted, and pastors continuing to be equipped through SI’s materials. Thankfully, Dustin was able to attend an in-person training in Bogotá, Colombia in October with fellow SI Staff member Floyd Vandeburgh. He was refreshed through the fellowship of the saints and blessed by these dear brothers who are faithfully reaching people in their communities with the gospel message. The time at home has provided Dustin the opportunity to refine SI’s training manuals and to produce them in numerous new languages. Thus, even more people around our world will have the opportunity to hear the gospel and have tools for knowing how to share their love for Christ with others. Apart from SI, Dustin continues in his roles as Community Pastor at Denton Community Church and as a Missions Geography teacher at Denton Calvary Academy. His days are full but I (Tracy) am forever impressed by the fact that Dustin is available at a moments notice any time that a friend needs a hand. Whether they need a listening ear or help working on a car, he responds and assists as quickly as he can.
I have heard over and over that having grandchildren is an indescribable blessing. I can truly attest that is true! Keeping Gideon two days a week is a delight! Yes, he is completely spoiled by having Chief (Dustin), three aunts, Maw (Vival), and Whinny (myself) all to himself and at his beck and call. At a year old, he is very busy and certainly keeps us on our toes! At Born 2 Be Therapeutic Equestrian Center I have continued working as the Head Riding Instructor. Over the past four years I pursued becoming a Therapeutic Carriage Driving Instructor, and finally achieved that certification in June. Carriage Driving continues to grow as a personal interest of mine and recently I entered a show with one of our program ponies, a Fell Pony named Ace. {Remember how I said Dustin is always available to help? He drove down to Corsicana, TX to replace coolant hoses on my van that blew on my way home on a Sunday afternoon. I’m so grateful he loves me!} Being the co-manager of the Silver Saddle 4-H Club provides me with opportunities to pour into the leaders and horsemen/women of tomorrow. I have enjoyed coaching them in leadership and fundraising skills, assisting them in reaching out to our community through various service events, and sharing my own love and knowledge of horses with our members. Dustin and I have also had the tremendous joy of mentoring three young couples several times per month throughout this year. In a world that does not always understand a biblical view of love, we prayerfully desire to help these young adults strive to lay solid foundations for their marriages.
I am so grateful that Dakota, Cody, and Gideon live within three minutes of our house. We have the blessing of being an intricate part of their daily lives, plus seeing Gideon several times a week brings us pure delight. Dakota’s PRN work as a Physical Therapist has been the perfect fit for her as a new mom. The flexible schedule allows her to be home with her sweet boy 4 to 5 days each week. Cody remains on as the warehouse site manager for Moore Supply at DEK Plumbing. His faithfulness and diligence in his position are evident. No one likes for him to take a day off because the organization and flow of the warehouse is interrupted any time he is away. Dakota and Cody are wonderful parents and are navigating occasional sleepless nights, crabby days of teething, and chasing a busy boy around all day with patience and joy. Gideon will soon be walking, and honestly, I think he may skip walking and just run!
Trinity is in her junior year at TWU as a dietetics major. She is also working part time as a Diet Host at Medical City Lewisville. Experiencing from the ground up what takes place in a medical setting regarding nutrition will no doubt serve her well as she forges ahead toward her career. The position has provided many opportunities for her to grow in communication skills, business processes, understanding of different patients’ nutritional needs, and much more. On Sunday mornings, Trinity has faithfully served by playing piano and singing with the DCC worship team. Also, Trinity has embarked in a new activity - Judo! She has enjoyed learning the different throws and in a short time has earned her 2nd degree white belt. In January, she will embark upon a trip to Paris, France with the Honors College from TWU. She is extremely excited and is daily showing us pictures of places she will get the joy of seeing soon in person.
Remington is now a junior at Denton Calvary Academy. Volleyball once again filled our schedules this fall as she played her favorite sport. Remi is President of the Silver Saddle 4-H Club and Secretary of the Denton County 4-H County Council. She has joined in several community service projects both through 4-H and as part of the National Honor Society at DCA. Currently, she is serving as the manager for the DCA girl’s and boy’s basketball teams. She recently auditioned for the All-Region Choir and was awarded a spot as an alto. She will travel to Abilene to practice and perform with this prestigious group of high school singers in early January.
Sierra is in 8th grade at DCA. Last spring she took part in the drama production of Beauty and the Beast and this fall she supported the high school drama director and students as they prepared for their One Act Play competition. She is enjoying guitar and singing lessons as well as being the treasurer for the Silver Saddle 4-H Club. Sierra joined Trinity in taking up Judo and has now earned her yellow belt. Wrestling her older sisters and beating them has become an enjoyable feat for her! I’m struggling as I realize that after this school year my baby will be in high school. The years have gone by far too quickly!
As 2021 draws to a close, I pray that you will look to the Lord for your strength and find peace in His saving grace. If you have never asked God to be your Lord and Savior, acknowledged Christ as His Son, understood that Christ died to pay the wages of your sin, repented of your sins, and sought the Lord’s forgiveness, please do not wait another day. Call Dustin or myself, as we would be overjoyed to share with you about how the Lord has worked in our lives, hearts, minds, and souls, and how you can experience freedom through His gift of grace. “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved….For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Romans 10:9-10, 13
May you all have a very Merry Christmas! We pray that 2022 will be a year full of the Lord’s blessings for you!
With much love,
Dustin, Tracy, Trinity, Remi, Sierra and Maw (Vival) McCarty
I have now been with SI for over 17 years! I am still amazed that I have this opportunity. In the past, while in Africa, the thought has often come to me: What is a guy from an Oklahoma town with a population of 2500 doing in the middle of Africa working with Pastors and Church Leaders in leadership training and church planting?!?! It is surreal - but here we are!
I shared some stories last month about what has been going on with our teams overseas - and they continue to train and multiply! December and January are going to be busy months - so please join us in prayer for them. Work is continuing in Uganda, DRC, Burundi, Tanzania, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Zambia, and others as well. Pray for open hearts to the Gospel and for Pastors and Leaders to give full commitment to the call of God to reach the lost and disciple believers toward maturity. Pray for open doors into new areas where the need is great. Pray for laborers for the harvest!
Regarding what is to come in 2022, please bring these specific items before the Lord with us:
When to travel? - My plan at this time is to return to Africa in March. It is my hope to be in both Ghana and in Tanzania/Zambia to conduct trainings for our National and Regional Directors. It will be the first time we have seen each other face-to-face since March of 2020.
Where to launch next? - I intend to launch Strategic Impact in the capitals of two new countries in 2022: Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Congo. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to guide our vision and direct our steps in this matter. Pray also that God will connect us with the right leaders from the start of the work.
Through the Nations Events - Pray also as we plan for this year’s fundraising events: the Celebration Dinner & Extravaganza (slated for mid-April 2022), the Crawfish Boil (hoping for early May 2022), and the Sporting Clays Shoot/Tournament (scheduled for May 21, 2022). These events are extremely important in funding our continued work. We hope you can join us for one or more this year! [They are also a WHOLE LOT of FUN!]
End of Year Giving - Lastly, if the Lord moves you to provide an end of year (or beginning of year) financial gift of support toward the Field Ministry of Strategic Impact Africa, please do so through the following link by clicking on the logo below (or you may mail a gift in to: Strategic Impact, PO Box 1901, Denton, TX 76202 - please put "SI AFRICA" in the memo.) We would be grateful for your partnership!
The ministry is Biblical. The vision is clear. The need is great. The fruit is substantial.
Click the logo to support Strategic Impact Africa
STRATEGIC IMPACT is a 501(c)(3) in good standing,
so your financial gifts are tax-deductible, greatly appreciated, and wisely stewarded.
None of this would be possible without YOUR partnership in prayer and giving.
- The McCartys
AND here is your BONUS embarrassing photo of Dustin.

Never Miss an Update (we only send a few each year)
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Click the logo to support Strategic Impact Africa